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About the Course
Microsoft PowerPoint Basic
Duration: 1 Day, Instructor-Led Training
Prerequisites: Windows 7: Basic or equivalent experience
Module 1 : Getting started
The PowerPoint interface
Understanding OneDrive
The PowerPoint Help
A-1: Starting PowerPoint and running a presentation
A-2: Identifying PowerPoint interface components
A-3: Switching views
A-4: Controlling the magnification level
Module 2 : Creating, Opening & Saving Presentations
Creating a basic presentation
A-1: Creating a new blank presentation
A-2: Entering text on a slide
A-3: Inserting and editing slides
A-4: Saving a new presentation
A-5: Ensuring backwards compatibility
Working with slides
Working with Different Views
Inserting Slides from other presentation
Opening & Saving Presentation
B-1: Arranging slides in Normal view
B-2: Arranging slides in Slide Sorter view
B-3: Deleting and duplicating slides
B-4: Inserting slides from another presentation
Topic C: 0 Templates and themes
C-1: Creating a presentation based on a template
C-2: Applying design themes
Module 3: Formatting Slides
Slide Basics
Text Basics & Applying Themes
Applying Transitions
Managing Slides
Using Find and Replace
B-1: Finding and replacing text
B-2: Cutting and dragging text
B-3: Copying text to another slide
B-4: Using the Clipboard pane
Module 4: Using Drawing Objects
Creating shapes
A-1: Drawing basic shapes
A-2: Modifying shapes
Formatting shapes
B-1: Applying shape styles
B-2: Duplicating and moving shapes
B-3: Resizing a shape
B-4: Rotating a shape
B-5: Aligning shapes
Aligning, Ordering and Grouping Objects
Quick Shape Formats
C-1: Adding text to shapes
C-2: Formatting text in a shape
C-3: Creating text boxes
C-4: Formatting text boxes
Module 5 : Graphics
A-1: Inserting and modifying WordArt
A-2: Applying WordArt styles
Pictures and Online Pictures
Module 6: Tables and Charts
B-1: Inserting pictures
B-2: Adjusting pictures
B-3: Arranging and grouping overlapping items
A-1: Inserting a table
A-2: Modifying a table
A-3: Formatting a table
A-4: Adding images to a table
Charts / New Excel
SmartArt Graphics
B-1: Creating a chart and adding data
B-2: Applying a new chart type
B-3: Editing and formatting a chart
Module 7 : Review and Collaborating & Smart Look Up
Checking Spelling and Grammar
A-1: Checking the spelling in a presentation
A-2: Using AutoCorrect
A-3: Using the Thesaurus
Preview and Run Presentations
Inspecting and Protecting Presentations