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Power BI Essentials


Course Code

1 Day


About the Course

This course will cover basic to intermediate skills so that the attendees will have an awareness plus some hands-on experience in handling Power BI Desktop. However, due to time constraints, the labs may be done after the sessions. Also, for the Power BI Service to be done in labs and demos, client need to have an active Power BI subscription.

Audience Profile

Familiar with Microsoft Excel and database concept are sufficient to participate in the course.


No hard pre-requisites.

At Course Completion

  • Describe Microsoft Power BI.

  • Download and use Microsoft Power BI Desktop.

  • Connect to Data Sources and importing Data.

  • Transform and Shape Data using Power Query Editor.

  • Create and Manage Reports and Dashboards.

  • Share and Collaborate with Others.

  • Use AI and Visuals to get insights from Data.

  • Use QA to ask questions in natural language.

  • Use slicers to get insights for Data Visibility.

  • Access Power BI reports and Dashboards using android and iOS.

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Power BI

This module describes what Power BI is, its role and value in Microsoft Business Intelligence Solutions.


  • Overview of Microsoft Power BI.

  • Power BI Service vs Power BI Desktop.

  • Explore the User Interface.

  • Downloading Power BI Desktop.


  • Download and open Microsoft Power BI Desktop.

  • Open Power BI Service.

Module 2: Connect to Data Sources and importing Data

This discusses the different data sources that Power BI can connect to, not limited to the following. SQL Server, CSV file, OLEDB databases and the like.

Module 3: Basic Report Objects

The participants will be able to use the data they imported and put them in basic visual objects such as tables, charts etc in Power BI. They can also compare reports done in Excel to reports done here in Power BI.


  • Create Basic reports such as tables and charts.

  • Observe the dynamic interactions between visual objects in Power BI.


  • Create Tables with summary.

  • Create two charts.

  • Observe the dynamic interactions between charts.

Module 4: Transform and Shape Data using Power Query Editor

This module introduces the transformation part of any data processing activity. This is part of Business Intelligence ETL – the transform portion.


  • What is ETL?

  • Why transform data


  • Extract Data from a file and convert it to another format for reporting.

Module 5: Creating and Managing relationships in the data model

This module discusses models like parent-child model and its impact to reports.


  • Different types of table relationships.

  • Managing relationships in Data Model.

  • Observe impact to Visual elements.


  • Load two tables.

  • Map the tables.

  • Create report on the tables.

Module 6: Uploading and publishing reports from Power BI Desktop

This module discusses publishing of reports and dashboards from Power BI desktop to Power BI Service.


  • Publish Data to Power BI Service.


  • Publish Reports Created in previous modules to Power BI Service.

Module 7: Creating and editing reports in Power BI Service

Use the Power BI Service environment and become familiar with limitations compared to Power BI Desktop.


  • Edit reports published into it by Power BI desktop.

  • Create new reports and dashboards using Power BI Service.


  • Publish reports from previous modules and add features in Power BI Service.

Module 8: Sharing and collaborating with others

This module will focus on granting permissions and sharing of reports and dashboards to members of the organization.


  • Share to another student their reports and dashboards.

  • Inspect permissions on shared reports.


  • Share a report with a colleague.

  • Check permissions.

Module 9: Using AI visuals to get insights from data

This module will let participants use AI visuals in order to become more well versed to reports they can do in Power BI Service.


  • Using AI visuals.


  • Use AI Visuals based on the datasets you loaded.

Module 10: Using Q&A to ask questions in natural language

Use Q and A and natural language in creating your visuals.


  • Q and A features.


  • Q and A features on data and observe the visuals the software uses in presenting data.

Module 11: Using slicers and filters to control data visibility

Enhance the reports by using slicers and filters. This will make reports and dashboards dynamic and not just static reports for end users.


  • Use filters.

  • Use slicers.


  • Use filters in reports created.

  • Use slicers for dynamic dashboards.

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