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Python Power Boost: A 5-Day Journey from Beginner to Advanced


Course Code

5 Days


About the Course

Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively. It is a general purpose language used in data analytics as well as programming. Learn fast and well from an experienced instructor. Inquire or book your training today.

Day 1: Introduction to Python Basics

  • Installing Python and setting up the development environment (IDE, text editor or Jupyter).

  • Introduction to variables and data types (integers, floats, strings,


  • Basic input and output using print() and input() functions.

  • Simple calculations and arithmetic operations.

  • Hands-on exercises: Write programs to perform basic calculations and interact with users.

Day 2: Control Flow and Functions

  • Introduction to control flow: if statements, else statements, and elif clauses.

  • Looping with for and while loops.

  • Using indentation to define code blocks in Python.

  • Introduction to functions: defining and calling functions.

  • Parameters and return values in functions.

  • Scope of variables (local vs. global).

  • Hands-on exercises: Write programs with conditional statements, loops, and simple functions.

Day 3: Data Structures and File Handling

  • Lists: creating, indexing, slicing, and modifying lists.

  • Tuples and their immutability.

  • Sets: unique elements and set operations.

  • Dictionaries: key-value pairs and dictionary methods.

  • Reading from and writing to text files.

  • Exception handling using try-except blocks.

  • Hands-on exercises: Create programs to manipulate different data structures and handle files.

Day 4: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts.

  • Classes and objects: creating classes and instances.

  • Attributes and methods in classes.

  • Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

  • Overriding methods and using super().

  • Using OOP for real-world problem-solving.

  • Hands-on exercises: Design and implement classes, and practice OOP principles.

Day 5: Advanced Topics and Beyond

  • Working with modules and packages.

  • Introduction to built-in modules (e.g., datetime, random).

  • Virtual environments and project structure.

  • Introduction to libraries like NumPy and pandas for data manipulation.

  • Brief overview of web scraping, APIs, or GUI programming (choose based on participant interests).

  • Discussion on best practices, code readability, and debugging techniques.

  • Q&A session, course wrap-up, and sharing resources for continued learning.

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