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The workshop is a customisable training program designed to guide leaders and potential leaders through a series of developmental activities, enabling them to introspect and evaluate their personality preferences in the context of effective leadership at work.
Note: We customize the course content to tailor-fit based on your organization's training needs. Please contact us for assistance in developing and delivering a course that suits your team's requirements.
Who is this for?
This workshop is highly recommended for senior and junior managers, supervisors, and team leaders.
Course Outline
Part 1
Build your leadership skills
Understand the skills expected of you.
Understand what it means to add value and how to create an impact with your team by building your leadership potential.
Describe the basic characteristics of different leadership styles and how to use them to
provide effective leadership. -
Process Guidelines: How will we work together?
Participant Goals: What do you want from the workshop?
Leaders' Roles (Workshop)
What roles do you, as leads or supervisors, have?
What do you think are the expectations of your team with you?
What responsibilities are given you by your organization?
Specific New Role Expectations
May include: A Change is Required-
Its not just about you now… its about the team…
Changing role expectations requires the development of different skills.
“Must-have” Leadership Skills
Impact of Adding Value
Adding Value Means…
New Role Expectations
To become a “Leader of Others”
A Leadership Legacy Is …
Reflection time
Discussion Activity: Unique Invention
Welcome Wrap-up
Teams must…
Leaders must provide the right amount of support at the right time based on individual need.
Part 2
Leadership Styles Overview
How much freedom do you give to the people who work for you?
Gofer delegation
Stewardship delegation
Leadership and Management
Leadership and Adding Value
How do we add value through leadership?
Introducing…. The Leader’s Window
Four Styles of Leadership
Directive Behavior
Supportive Behavior
When Defining the Leadership Style, remember…
Are you Effective or Ineffective?
The hard reality
Leadership Style Overview
Frustration Cycle
Empowerment Cycle
Part 3
Leading Individuals
Review of Key Concepts
Leading by Frustration
Leading by Anticipation
Leading by Intervention
Analogy of the Kite
What do we get from this?
Task-specific Potential
Leader’s Assessment
Workshop: Self-Assessment
Performance Contracting
Leading subordinates
Leading your boss
What support is needed?
How to Lead when goals are stretched